Custom Foam Layer Design to Hold Micrometres for MTC - Red Box Tools

Custom foam layer design to hold Micrometres for MTCMoving in to a new week, the Red Box Tools Team have been tasked with another notable design assignment; for the Manufacturing Technology Centre this time around, who require a Shadow Foaming® layer for a number of their micrometres to sit in within the respective cabinet so we thought we outline the complete process for anybody interested in potentially kitting out their toolboxes.

To start off, the team will use the photo provided by the client as a reference on how the tools should be laid out. (shown on the right).

As MTC sent their tools in to us, the team were able to scan them and create a design that matched the specification as closely as possible. However, some minor adjustments were made to ensure that there was sufficient space between each item to prevent the foam from tearing. After the micrometres were scanned, the design team exported these into our CNC software to create a design as per the photo below:

custom foam scan - Red Box Tools           custom foam scan - Red Box Tools

Once we received approval from the customer, the team programmed the CNC’s cutting paths and depths to bring the intricate design to life on the router.

The layer then went in to our new OREE laser to rout the micrometre part numbers into the foam for easy identification.

Finally, to heat treat the foam layer and give it a nice-looking finish, the team gave a quick run-through of our ‘Pizza Oven’ (Yes, we have tried putting Pizzas through it in the past and yes, they were delicious).

And there you have it, the finished product, ready to be shipped to the customer. Do you have anything you’d like to conveniently store in some foam layers? If so, please contact our knowledgeable Sales Team today on +44 (0) 2380 254285 or via email at

         Complete Bespoke Foam Layer by Red Box Tools        

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